
What pastors & leaders Are Saying

Thousands of people have joined the movement to love others better. Read their reviews, get your copy, and join the movement today.


 What Pastors Are Saying

  • Rich Villodas

    We need as many astute and winsome voices as we can get to address the ongoing reality of racial fragmentation. Albert Tate is a welcome voice to this issue. Albert writes and preaches from a depth of personal and pastoral experience that can only enrich our lives. With wonderful storytelling and prophetic urgency, we are once again given an opportunity to love better and deeper. This book is a gift.

  • Chad Veach

    How We Love Matters is the book we need for the soul of the Church. Albert reveals how racism continues to exist in the Church today, but also provides tangible steps to reconciliation. As a father and pastor, my goal is to provide a life and a church for my children that they can grow in their love for Jesus and live a godly life. My prayer is that this book would inspire the necessary change in us, so that we can continue to build a world that reflects Jesus and His values for the next generation.

  • Eric Mason

    Love isn't a word we hear much in the midst of the current milieu we are in today. We see bickering and challenge, but rarely is the word love bright us as an apologetic and even foundation for out interaction. Albert Tate is the perfect one to talk about this, because his ministry has been a model of what it looks like to fight for love. I'm hoping that this work will be yet another tool that leads to us fighting from the unity we have in Jesus vs trying to create unity by our own means.

  • Derwin Grey

    Albert has done a great thing for us by writing, How We Love Matters. As the founding and lead pastor of a beautiful, vibrant, multiethnic church, Albert is writing what is living. His well-written words are backed up by a well lived life of gospel-shaped ethnic reconciliation. As read, you will laugh and cry simultaneously; you will be relentlessly be encouraged and challenged. But above all, you will get a glimpse of One who is Love, King Jesus and how has surprised the world by reconciling enemies and making them friends.

  • Gene Appel

    Albert Tate writes with the courage of a prophet, the sensitivity of a pastor, the love of a brother, the tears of one grieving, the voice of a friend, and the heart of one transformed by Jesus. I am so grateful for this important book, Albert's influence in my life, and this timely conversation.

  • Ricky Jenkins

    In How We Love Matters, my best friend of 35 years, Albert Tate, has responded courageously to the demands our forebears at Sweet Home Church in Pearl, MS, left us—Lift every voice and sing. There are voices missing at the table of gospel-centered racial reconciliation. It’s a voice our nation has to hear as we labor to put the pieces of oneness together for Christ’s sake. Having shepherded in multiethnic churches for two decades, Albert knows better than anyone how easy it is to speak of reconciliation and how arduous the path is to make it happen. He’s walked across the aisles. He’s practiced what he’s preaching. He’s got a ministry chocked full of credibility through which to stretch us as much as he does. In some of the stories you’ll read in this narrative, I was right there. Those unforgettable experiences shaped us, stretched us, in many ways scared us, but ultimately beckoned us to fight for a better world for our kids. And a better world for yours as well. The middle wall of partition has been removed. Let’s keep it that way. Read this book!

  • Bryan Loritts

    How We Love Matters, is an invitation for God’s beloved community to sit at the table and enter into each others narratives for the sake of true unity. For years I’ve had a front row seat to witness one of America’s best communicators. But Albert is not just a talking head. He has poured out his life to be a vessel of ethnic unity. This book is a timely and necessary offering, guaranteed to inspire you.

 What Leaders Are Saying

  • Carey Nieuwhof

    When I’ve talked to white pastors who were in ministry in the 1960s during the Civil Rights era, they’ve told me looking back, they wish they’d done more. It was too frightening at the time. We’re in such a moment right now. And the reason you’re scared to pick up a provocative, compelling, and demanding book on racism and justice by one of today’s leading voices, is exactly the reason, you, like me, need to do it. Read this book.

  • Ed Stetzer

    How We Love matters is a gift from a friend— the kind of friend who will sit down with you, answer hard questions, and press you on important topics. Albert Tate is the kind of trusted friend who loves Jesus, and also loves Jesus’ people enough to talk about hard things. I’m thankful for him and his friendship, and—as you read this book—you will be too.

  • Greg Nettle

    Albert Tate’s character and excellent communication skills consistently shine God’s light in How We Love Matters. This book is for everyone who wants to see God’s Kingdom now and forever expressed by every tribe, tongue and nation gathering diversely, equitably and inclusively at the table of Jesus. In other words, How We Love Matters is a MUST read for every follower of Jesus!

  • Jo Saxton

    Rooted in biblical truth, combining searing memoir and incisive cultural commentary, How we Love Matters is a powerful book for today. Albert Tate writes with prophetic urgency . He does not flinch from addressing the church’s sin and complicity in the area of racism and systemic injustice. But he doesn’t end there; Albert calls us away from a shallow response, reminding us of the power of the gospel to bring true redemption, and reconciliation. May God’s people hear these vital words, take them to heart and then - live the life.

  • Dr. Mark Labberton

    What Albert Tate gives us here is priceless. It's his life and heart. It's his story and family. It's his pain and ache. It's his anger and hope. It's his conviction and courage. It's his Gospel: Why Love Matters.

  • Danielle Strickland

    Albert Tate never stops teaching me. His insights and wisdom are truly gifts to my soul. I highly recommend How We Love Matters as a deep, wise, honest and transformational read! This content is the remedy for our weary souls.

  • Aaron Lindsey

    In an era filled with people scrambling to achieve the appearance and culture of diversity, there are some that stand out as more authentic and relevant than others. Many voices are crying out for racial reconciliation but have forgotten that reconciliation requires more than a message. It requires a commitment to creating a table where all of our brothers and sisters can be truly heard and valued. Albert Tate is a pivotal and critical voice in this hour and his message of How We Love Matters is brilliant and convicting. If we fail the love test, we will potentially miss an opportunity to begin to move toward significant changes in the world as it relates to racial reconciliation. I have experienced the mission, the ministry and the man Albert Tate. Though he masterfully communicates his heart for deep reconciliation with words, he lives it out every day even more authentically. This book should be on the shelves of every pastor, leader, creative and entrepreneur that wants to create a culture of value and honor because how we love truly matters.

  • Erica and Warryn Campbell

    Pastor Albert Tate has really created an incredible framework for anyone who reads this work. How We Love Matters will go down in history as a literary catalyst for racial reconciliation, not only in the church but in every area where people’s lives intersect. If you are really serious about understanding how to love your brother or sister who may not look like you, this resource is all you need.

  • Sam Acho

    We all need to learn how to love better: especially now. That’s why I’m so excited about this book. Albert Tate is an amazing man, mentor and friend who’s ministry has had a profound impact on me both from up close, and from afar. I’ve seen him on pulpits, prisons and patios, teaching and preaching to anyone who would listen. I’ve seen their lives changed through his words. I’ve seen mine changed as well. His words have now found paper and the stories have come to life. Join Albert on this journey of navigating through difficult but necessary conversations on race, justice and loving people well. You’ll be glad you came.